Chief Financial Officer
John Hartley, PhD.

Dr. John Hartley is the CFO and Hardware Specialist for StarSpec Technologies who is dedicated to driving rapid growth fueled by high value products and services that enable further technological innovation. John has endeavored to build genuine rapport with StarSpec’s vendors and financial affiliates to grow company credit and establish a forward looking financial plan which continues to increase company value through efficient product design and corporate investments. John's PhD. in experimental physics has demonstrated his unique ability to design application-specific precision scientific hardware, electronics and mechatronics systems at a low cost, which has been a key driver in the groundbreaking state-of-the-art technology behind highly successful projects such as SuperBIT and Spider. Further, his capacity for understanding and analyzing large datasets has made these experiments not only feasible, but also of high scientific viability.

John’s experience in industrial sales of automation, sensors and safety equipment makes him well suited to understanding customer needs and application scenarios which drive product development. Furthermore, his leadership experiences in managing, supervising, and training novice to experienced technical professionals - including scientists, engineers, and technicians - makes him well suited to support the growth and expansion of StarSpec well into the future.